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Pacte Climat – New certification

The municipality of Schengen is pleased to inform you about our new Climate Pact certification – 50%. Among other things, our municipality is committed to a detailed inventory of the measures carried out and planned on the basis of the…

Community Garden of Wintrange

Where plants and friendships grow in community In 2023, the municipality of Schengen, in cooperation with its integration commission, will launch a new project for its residents in Wintrange. A community garden will be set up by the municipality itself,…

Schengen Klimaplus subsidy

From now on, local associations can benefit from a new subsidy for their events taking place in the municipality. The SCHENGEN KLIMAPLUS label will be granted to any association that has also signed the Klimapakt charter.   The club Squash…

Routes barrées à Schengen et Remerschen

À partir du 23 novembre 2022 jusqu’à la fin des travaux, l’accès aux chemins vicinaux « op der Stee » à Schengen  ainsi que « iwert dem Wëntrengewee » et « Kéierléckerpad » à Remerschen est interdit aux conducteurs de…

Campaigne “”

My voice, my choice for the future of my municipality! Participation of non-Luxembourg residents in the communal elections of 11 June 2023 A new electoral law allows non-Luxembourgers to register on the electoral roll as soon as they arrive in…

Language Courses

Langue Niveau Référence Dates Fréquence Horaires Français A.1.1. LA-FR-467 20/9/22-9/2/23   mardi et jeudi   Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.00-11.00 Français A.1.2. LA-FR-487 21/2/23-13/7/23 9.00-11.00 Luxembourgeois A.1.1. LA-LB-592 21/2/23-13/7/23 17.30-19.30 Place: VERAINSHAUS 5, Montée de l’Eglise L-5530 Remich For inscription, please…

Change of former bus routes 185 and 175

Change of former bus routes: 185 Emerange – Schengen – Remich 175 LUX, Gare – Mondorf – Remich We would like to point out once again that due to the restructuring of the RGTR bus network. on 17 July 2022,…

Mise en place du nouveau réseau RGTR

Les modifications horaires des lignes RGTR du présent avis Bus seront officiellement valables à partir du dimanche 17.07.2022. Les affichages pour les arrêts d’autobus seront transmis aux communes par l’Administration des Transports Publics pour les changements d’horaires en mois de…

New date! Open Call : Award “Sculpting Schengen” 2022

Theme: Solidarity The young metal artist Martin Rehrl working on the “Unitatis” monument, which was created as a sign of cohesion in the time of crisis. Starting in Schengen, the sculpture will go on a world tour and give birth…
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